七彩喷射星云Color Spray Nebula

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七彩喷射星云Color Spray Nebula

2023-04-22 21:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  除了行星体和它们各自的卫星之外,还有一些其它物体散落在 国度天宇the Realmspace 之中。彗星、小行星、废弃的船只、星云、漂浮的建筑物和舞动颅骨挤满了看似温和正常的 荒宇wildspace。秘术师和占星师跟随着这些“相关”物体的活动,根据它们在特定位置的运动与外观,进行有重要意义的预测。占星术在 托瑞尔星球Toril 的几种文化中都很流行,而这就是为什么占星学天体的定位为什么非常重要。 Besides planetary bodies and their respective moons, there are several other objects littering the Realmspace. Comets, asteroids, derelict ships, nebulosities, floating structures, and dancing skulls crowd the seemingly mild and orthodox wildspace. Mystics and astrologers follow the actions of several of these “relevant” objects to create predictions of significance according to their movements and appearances in specific locations. Astrology is popular among several cultures on Toril, and this is where the astrological bodies' positioning really matters.

  其预言范围从国王的出生到著名领主和法师的死亡不一而足。这些占星学天体是否是否真的需要为瘟疫和关键的世界性事件的发生负责是个有争议的问题。人们没有意识到的是,在宇宙中,巧合和随机机会是非常强大的力量。 Predictions range from the births of kings to deaths of famed lords and wizards. Whether these astrological objects are really responsible for plagues and pivotal worldly happenings is a matter of debate. What people do not seem to realize is that coincidence and random chance are very strong forces in the universe.

七彩喷射星云Color Spray Nebula

  这团星云看上去非常像是 七彩喷射color spray 法术的效果。它是一团扇形天体,主要可在春天和初夏可见。星云约有200万哩长,长端宽度为100万哩,段端为100呎。 This nebulosity looks very much like the effects of a color spray spell. It is a fan shaped object that is seen primarily during the spring and early summer. It is approximately two million miles long, with a width of one million miles at one end, and 100 feet at the other.

  密斯特拉Mystra 的信徒认为这是他们神明的一个兆示:她因授予信徒们的魔法被得到使用而欢悦。班恩Bane 教会则认为,星云是他们神明的怒火在天际蔓延。他们相信,在它的毁灭轨迹上,一切都将会被彻底消灭。 The worshipers of Mystra believe this to be a sign from their god, that their use of the magic that she awards them pleases her. The cult of Bane believes that the nebula is the wrath of their deity, spreading its way across the heavens. They believe that everything within its destructive path is utterly annihilated.

  当进入星云时,魔法船乘员将感到一种轻微的刺痛感。这种刺痛感实际上是星云的魔力在起作用。它可以治愈所有侵害船员的疾病,但有一项副作用。每当七彩喷射星云吞噬生物时,就有1%的累积概率使该生物或角色感染致命的癌症。这种癌症只能由 祈愿术wish、有限祈愿术limited wish 或 改变现实alter reality 法术才能治愈。医疗术Heal、治愈疾病、或任何其它治疗法术都将无能为力。 When this nebula is entered, a spelljamming crew will feel a slight tingling sensation. This tingling is actually the magic of the nebula at work. It cures all diseases that inflict the crew, but there is one side effect. Every time the Color Spray Nebula engulfs a living being, there is a one percent cumulative chance that the creature or character contracts a deadly cancer. This cancer can only be cured with a wish, limited wish or alter reality spell. Heal, cure disease, or any other healing spell has no effect upon it.

  这团星云有时也会磨损魔法物品。保护和防护类物品,如 防护戒指rings of protection、防护盔甲、甚至是 防护斗篷cloaks of protection 在七彩喷射魔法辐射中都将无能为力,在停留期间丧失1点防护加成。这件物品必须在对抗击破豁免中成功,才能避免失去其部分魔力。 This nebula sometimes drains magical items as well. Items of protection and abjuration, such as rings of protection, armors of protection, and even cloaks of protection find the magical emanations of the Color Spray Nebula non-sympathetic, and can lose a plus to protection during their stay in it. The item must survive a saving throw vs. crushing blow to refrain from losing some of its magic.




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